SwimAtlanta LC Last Chance

Pool Address:

Warm-Up Schedule:

  • Saturday (No Lane 1 till the meet starts)
    • 12:15-12:45 Open Lanes 2-10
    • 12:45-1:20 Control 
      • Lanes 2, 9 One Way Starts
      • Lane 10 Pace
  • Sunday
    • 8:00-8:40 Open
    • 8:40-9:10 Control
      • Lanes 2, 9 One Way Starts
      • Lane 1, 10 Pace

Important Info & Links: 

  • Parents are asked to stay upstairs in the stands unless volunteering.
  • Saturday we will be racing in lanes 3-10.  Lane 1 will be warm up / warm down. No swimming in Lane 2.  Sunday we will be racing in lanes 1-10.  With warm up / warm down in the instructional pool.
  • Swimmers are asked to provide his or her own timer for the 400im and 400free.
  • Heat Sheet 

Here are some basic items you would need to prepare as a swim parent:

1. SHARPIE!  It would be best to write your swimmer’s events, heat & lane number on their arm. Do not expect your kid’s coach will be calling (or looking) for your kid to prepare for their race. At first, you will need to be aware which event is happening in the pool and get your child prepared for their event. As your child gets older and have had several swim meets under their belt, they learn to get ready in time on their own – but during the early years, you definitely want to be aware of what is happening in the pool and remind your child to get ready for their event.

2. Snacks (for both yourself & the swimmer) & a cooler with plenty of water bottles &/or sports drinks. Most swim meet venues do have a concession stand, but it’s probably a good idea to bring your own drinks and snacks. Granola bars, protein bars, fruits such as bananas are also good snacks to bring.

3. Meet Mobile app. Probably the most common go-to app for swim parents. It provides meet results, heat sheets, the meet schedule & more. The free version does not provide meet results, so if you’re OK with that you can try the free version first. But once you become a long-term swim parent, you will need the paid version.More details of the app can be found at: https://www.active.com/mobile/meet-mobile-app.

4. Spare swim cap and goggles. Maybe even a spare swimsuit! Unfortunate or unlucky things do happen from time to time and swim meets are not an exception. Bring a spare of everything in case a goggle breaks or a swim cap tears.

5. Positive attitude and encouraging words. If it’s your first swim meet, it is most likely that your kid is more nervous than you!  Your child is going up on the diving blocks for their first race in front of a crowd. Be supportive and offer plenty of encouragement.

6. Results from the meet will be posted to www.swimcloud.com by Sunday afternoon.