2023 Bill Behrens Veterans Invitational
Bill Behrens Veterans Invitational on November 4-5, 2023 will be swum in two pools. Girls events near the diving well with Boys events under the scoreboard. Swimmers will need to provide his or her own timer & counter for the 400im, 500free, & 1000Free. We are still in need of a few volunteers if you are able to help please sign up on teamunify or https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0A4CAFA62DA2FF2-45824880-veterans
Meet Updates:
- Psych Sheet
- PrePay Parking Link - Parking Deck Garage will be taken payments day of the meet. w02 hourly lot is open. W02 lot has a max rate of $15.00
- Heat Sheets
- Warm-Up Schedule (We will be doing open warm-ups in all 3 pools. Please note the assigned lanes and times for 10&under swimmers:
- Saturday
- 10:30-10:55am OPEN w/ Scoreboard Pool Lanes 1-5 reserved for 10&under swimmers
- 11:00-11:25am Controlled
- Lanes 0 & 9 Pace
- Lanes 1, 2, 8 One Way Sprints
- Sunday
- 8:30-8:55am Open w/ Scroeboard Pool Lanes 1-5 reserved for 10&under swimmers
- 9:00-9:25 Controlled
- Lanes 0 & 9 Pace
- Lanes 1, 2, 8 One Way Sprints
- Saturday